Life2Too took over administration of Moonfruit websites in the UK. They sent me an invoice for £95.99 in January for the annual subscription. It reads "PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY, WE WILL TAKE THIS DIRECTLY FROM YOUR PAYMENT CARD IN 10 DAYS TIME", which they did last year and the year before. Imagine my surprise then, when yesterday I received a threatening letter from them. At first I thought it was a fake company dressed up as Yell trying to scam me into revealing card, phone or bank details. It took me two hours on the 'phone (I rang a genuine number for Yell that I had previously.) this morning to get it sorted.

September 2014. An Indian summer in Bournemouth. Here is a pic of Boscombe beach. Believe it or not September 2015 had more of the same after a wet summer.
Check out the Spurs pages for live action pics from the 2014 -15 season - and 2015 - 16 too.
My favourite view in the whole world. Newquay, Cornwall.

1 Feb 2018. Definitely back in business. 20 Oct 2016. Just replaced decrepit PC. Wife still in hospital. Hope to start updating site more frequently. Im awaiting op on brain tumour too.
26 July 2016. Wife back in Bournemouth hospital just like 2014. My time taken up by 6 hours a day visiting.
8 Oct 2015. Last entry April 2015? I can’t believe it. Firstly, thanks for those of you that have kept checking this site out. Secondly, apologies for absence of new material since then. Have been caring for my wife who has been left housebound and brain damaged by Bournemouth hospital failures. Eventually will publish full story at health pages. On a brighter note have some cool new pics of Spurs thrashing Man City – and Groomhill working on first new song in 5 years. More news and perhaps a sample to come on music pages along with pics of fantastic Faith 12 string acoustic guitar..
13 Apr 2015 42,120 views and counting. Thanks for continuing to visit the site folks!
1 Mar 2015 League Cup Final
League victories over Chelsea and Arsenal.