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Medical stuff page 2.

29 Dec 2011 continued...

A heart scan has shown that I have damage to my coronary arteries. I'll be having an angiogram on 6 February and if necessary an angioplasty (stents) like Prince Phillip and Harry Redknapp.  If the angiogram reveals the problem is more serious, it will be back to Southampton General for coronary bypass surgery.

There is a risk of a stroke from the procedure and given that I've had a few already that's a bit worrying. They say I'm like a cat with 9 lives but I'm beginning to wonder how many I've used up. I'm determined to come back from this stronger than ever but if there is one thing 2011 has taught me, it's that you are not in as much control of your life as you might like to think. So if these updates stop happening after Feb, you'll know why...Deep breath and fingers crossed, again.


 A seasonal addition. Me playing Silent Night fingerstyle. Not bad for a bloke blind in one eye, 6 months after the tumour burst, 3 strokes and a fall which split my head open. When I thanked my surgeon Mr. Mathad, he said "Don't thank me, thank Him upstairs. It just wasn't your time to die."

So, sincerely and humbly, thank you God. By the way, are you reading this Grim Reaper, the Devil and your 4 Horsemen? Was that your best shot? Must try harder. C+ only I'm afraid. Bring it on! If you do get me down there, I swear I'll make you wish you'd never heard my name.I'll prove you don't need to make a deal with you to play blues.

17 Feb 2012.  Well, here I am back again. I had the angiogram on 6 Feb as planned and the good news is that  I did not need a stent or further heart surgery after all as the blood flow through the arteries was sufficient. I had a rough week after the procedure but have been brightening up for a week now.  Slow progress and drug issues to sort from the tumour but  I have picked up the guitar again and doing a little more each day.  Watch out for the Spurs memorabilia pages on this website and hopefully more music from Groomhill.


12 Aug 2012. Still here! Survived anniversary of op. Undergoing yet another thyroxin trial. Anaemic. Being lined up for endoscopy and colonoscopy...still 3 steps forward, 2 back. Determined...


Jan 2013. Still here. The scans in Autumn 2012 were clear. Recovery continuing in small steps. 250 pills a week, daily liquid thyroxin and testosterone injections every 3 months keep me going. Vulnerable to infection but life is sweet.


I even slightly enjoy the feeling of living on a knife edge and not knowing what tomorrow may bring.


Must continue to try and build up strength and stamina.

Sat 2.2.2013 The DVLA

reinstated my driving licence today. Result!


12.2.2013 I saw my neuro surgeon Mr. Mathad yesterday with Tristan Richardson the endocrine specialist who looks after me. All good news. The op site continues to heal after 17 months. All readings improving but still some way to go. No sign of tumour returning.

28.3.2013. Review with Ank Spond specialist Dr. Hopkinson.  Great news is inflammation levels have dropped . Can’t explain why but it’s to do with the complex relationship of hormones to the now non-existent pituitary gland. It won’t undo damage done to and pain from joints and nerves around spine but it has stopped getting worse. Blood count levels have gone from being anaemic just after ops to high now. Slim chance it could be due to a rare blood cancer but more likely to be body adjusting and need to get doses and balance of pills right.  Referred to haematologist just in case...Aug 2013, get the all clear! Yes!!!!

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